So, not only do you know to wear sunscreen every day, you actually apply it! And, you may even be one of those people who reapply sunscreen every two hours when you spend the day out in the sun, and when you get out of the water at the beach or pool. Even people who are disciplined sun protectors miss areas when they are following the advice to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with and SPF of 30 or higher and UVA protection. Before you head to the beach, go on that hike, get on that boat, or just take that walk down the street on a gorgeous, sunny day, pay special attention to avoid sunburns and sun damage on these areas that get neglected–even by the sun protected:

1- scalp- people who are balding, who have fine hair, or who part their hair in the middle should consider applying liquid sunscreen to the exposed areas of the scalp or wearing a hat or scarf. Sunburns, or even skin cancers such as melanoma can occur on this area.

2- ears- Whether your ears stick out a little or a lot, they are out there, vulnerable to sun exposure. Make sure to protect them. This is a common location for skin cancer.

3- lips- Lip balms with spf, or opaque lipstick, may be in order if you are out in the sun. Make sure you reapply.

4- neck- The neck, particularly the back of the neck, often becomes very sun damaged in the unwary. The face can look 10 years younger than the neck.

5- the upper chest- Like on the neck, photoaging on the chest, and increased risk of skin cancer, often make the person who has been so meticulous about facial care, look weathered.

So, if you wear sunscreen daily—congratulations. Make sure you get all the benefits.